As a woodturner, I don't throw a heavy, out-of-round piece of wood on the chuck, set the lathe speed up high, throw my safety glasses and face mask aside and hope for the best! Although I'm sure my … [Read More...]

As a woodturner, I don't throw a heavy, out-of-round piece of wood on the chuck, set the lathe speed up high, throw my safety glasses and face mask aside and hope for the best! Although I'm sure my … [Read More...]
The kiddo and I cast a blank a while back and I finally got around to turning it. The 'wood' inside is just the tops of acorns found in the yard. We weren't sure how much resin to mix and ended up … [Read More...]
Quite a while back I turned a Wall St. II pen out of 1/2 a blank of buffalo horn. Within days, an unsightly split formed up the side. I wrote this off to it being too hot, cold, dry, or some … [Read More...]
I was working on some pens the other day and I used about 4 gallons too much glue putting a pen tube into a blank. As opposed to using a solvent to clean it out and possibly hurting the integrity of … [Read More...]
The top of a classic slimline pen consists of a press-fit cap that fits into a ring on the clip prior to being pressed into the top of the pen tube. The outside diameters of the cap and the clip ring … [Read More...]